Why Movement Is Key In Stressful Seasons

As we all collectively as a world face these unprecedented times, self care has become essential. Whether it be allowing yourself that extra hour in bed, making your own colorful food, drinking more water or just moving your body… self care should be top of mind for everyone. It’s true that everyone's experience will be different, however one truth that never seems to fail is that movement heals. Boy, we could all use some healing right now couldn’t we?

The birth of Pilates began on a mat, it was most accessible and to this day is one of the most popular forms of Pilates you can find. The apparatus, also known as machines were developed later to help aid in the mat movements by making the movements more supportive or by challenging them. Although here at Dover Pilates we LOVE the apparatus and the way it helps/challenges our clients, we also have a deep appreciation for the mat work.

This is why every small group class starts with fundamental mat movements. It helps awaken the body and begin that beautiful mind/body connection. The coordination of breath and movement is crucial to help relax the nervous system and train those muscles appropriately. A well trained body helps ease the mind.

In lieu of the current events we will continue to offer FREE facebook live workouts. Each workout will be different, taught by the owners Nadine and Jennifer every week. We understand this is a stressful time for everyone, regardless if you are able to be working or not. If you would like to help your local studio, we encourage you to purchase a package (is good for 1 year) or a gift certificate for later use.

Stay healthy,

