We All Start Somewhere, So Just Start!

When it comes to starting a new habit, the hardest thing is well the most obvious thing, isn't it… starting! Whether your new habit is physical fitness, nutrition, or wellness related, the first hurdle always seems the most daunting. So let's make it less scary, shall we?

Pilates can seem intimidating at first, medieval-looking machines, authoritative instructors, and contortion like movements? Yikes! However, when we break it down into bite-sized pieces, it is an alignment-based workout system that focuses on controlling your body movements. Now that's not so bad, is it?

Whatever self-doubts you are wrestling with, being a beginner, overweight, too stiff, too weak. Take a deep breath, shoot us an email, and start. Here at Dover Pilates, we meet you where you're at and help customize your sessions to reach your goals. We've got you, now let's begin.


