Dover Pilates

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Pilates Isn't a New Years Resolution, it's a way of life

New Years is here; this is the time when we all reflect on the year that has passed and make a resolution for the future year to become our best selves, many times we get overzealous, looking for the quick fix, whether it is a fad diet or fitness routine, the only problem is we don’t end up sticking with the good intentions we had for the new year.
Pilates is not a resolution; it’s not a quick fix; we will not make promises of you losing “x” amount of weight in a month. We promise that if you give Pilates a try and make a commitment (your commitment and results will depend on what you have to offer once, twice, or three times a week can all give you results, but those results will take time and dedication), I like to call Pilates the long game.
 When you first start coming, you usually feel great after a class/session. Maybe you have minor muscle soreness or feel a muscle you didn’t know you had. You feel better; perhaps when you come in, your back is a little grumpy, and when you leave, it feels much better. You will notice your shoulders don’t roll in as much as they did before, and your head isn’t as far forward as it used to be, all because you notice when you are slouching, and you know how to fix your posture due to Pilates. You can get off the floor after playing with your kids/grand-kids with no issues when usually it’s dreaded. Perhaps you start a new sport and realize you can keep up with the others, or you notice your performance has improved in your sport or hobby you love to do.
Pilates is what you do to do everything else better. Pilates will keep you going, moving, and ready for whatever life throws your way.
So don’t make Pilates your resolution; commit to it and enjoy the journey of all the fantastic benefits it has to offer. Remember, the long game is where it’s at. There are no quick fixes, just commitments and results